Serve with Intent

Walk into the life of Tommy Hartono.

Tommy Hartono in Thailand

Passion in Technology

We always strive to live better

Web & App Development

Help companies in creating digital footprint through web & app.


It is really a struggle to build our own brand and stand up. #BrandItOut

Social Media Management

Trouble managing wide variety of social media. Trying to figure out where the crowd is?

Web3 Development

Web3 is no longer a jargon anymore. It is part of our life. #BuildWeb3Now

Sales & Marketing

You have a product that need to be marketed to the public. #CallMeNow

IT Infrastructure

Let us do the hands on with your technology and you can sit back & relax.


Great variety of portfolio around the world.

InvestorMuda Website

  • Website Wireframing
  • Website Design
  • Server Setup

Visit Site

POD Media TV Website

  • Website Wireframing
  • Website Design
  • Server Setup

Visit Site

“Great design, I really like it”

Wilson Tan

CEO, Accruplus Advisory

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